Hatje Cantz Verlag
BEHAVE by Pernilla Zetterman


Concept development
Developmental editing

BEHAVE is a monograph of the work of Pernilla Zetterman, who belongs to the Helsinki School of photo-based artists.

BEHAVE opens with two stark images. The first is a photograph of a mouthguard against a solid black background. The second is a seated figure tightly wound in a garment with its arms wrapped around its back. These images function as the dramatic prologue to a visual exploration of behavioral patterns, origins and contours of identity, performance, control and regimentation. The book features Zetterman’s series “When” and “Ground Rules” with accompanying texts.

Boco worked closely with the artist from the earliest stage to develop the overall concept of the book. As developmental editors, we helped select and structure both photo and text content, conceived themes for the texts, assisted the writers and contributed with the book’s introduction.